Data Types |
- Long (since v.b1.0)
- String (since v.b1.0)
- Timestamp (since v.b1.0)
- GeoLocation (since v.b1.0)
- List<type> (since v.b1.0)
- Timestamp is represented as Long value as number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
- GeoLocation could be a point location or a rectangular spatial region.
- List "type" could be any of the primitive data types (Long, String, Timestamp, or GeoLocation).
Index Structures |
- Hash Index (since v.b1.0)
- Spatial Grid Index (since v.b1.0)
Streaming Data Source |
- Network_TCP (since v.b1.0)
Stream Format |
- CSV: Comma Separated Values (since v.b1.0)
Query Top-k Ranking |
- Temporal: order by the latest timestamp (since v.b1.0)
Query Time Horizon |
- Arbitrary time interval (since v.b1.0)
Query Conditions |
- Equality conditions on non-spatial attributes (since v.b1.0)
- Spatial range filtering conditions on spatial attributes (since v.b1.0)
- AND and OR logical operators (since v.b1.0)
- Non-nested parenthesis (since v.b1.0)